Harvey Kosberg is a Certified John Maxwell Coach and Mentor. Owner of multiple companies and organizations.
He created the teaching method of “Growing Your Business God’s Way” which is designed to grow a business owner with Bible teachings that Harvey uses for his mastermind and mentoring program.
He is known throughout his target audience as a residential seller and listing agent. He has held many different positions for the local board of realtors and is a currently a Residential Broker by the National Association of Realtors.
Harvey’s Story:
- Harvey didn’t like the direction his life was going living in Washington D.C. in 1975. Harvey moved down to Fort Lauderdale, FL with his family. The move helped Harvey find Jesus. Harvey grew up as a Jew so when he watched the TV show “Robert Schuller Power Hour” he was surprised when he had his first supernatural experience. LISTEN UP as Harvey explains his experience and how his new pastor Dr. James Kennedy helped him. Also Zig Ziglar personally gave him some advice to overcome his introvert personality to be successful in sales.
Defining Success:
- Harvey was successful in sales due to listening and trying what his coaches were suggesting LISTEN UP as Harvey shares the manner he tried what the coaches were teaching then his sales career soared. Harvey also mentions not having to work a day in his life after 1975 and the experience of working with his two sons.
- Gage success on the amount of money that is earned. Compare the income earned vs. the time you are putting in. LISTEN UP as Harvey also explains how directing your income shows your success.
Growing up Jewish:
- Grandmother was Orthodox and mother did not follow through with certain customs. Not growing up in a Jewish community influenced him not to practice his Jewish faith. He knew about God from his grandmother. LISTEN UP as Harvey tells us how becoming Christian and knowing about Jesus lead him to feel more Jewish.
Most Influential Person:
- Trained and coached by Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey, Anthony Robbins, Mike Ferry, and Tom Ferry. Still being coached and mentored by John Maxwell. Even though he has had amazing mentors Harvey would tell you that Jesus has had the most influence in his life by the way he speaks about Jesus.
Biggest Challenges:
- Learning how to sell – LISTEN UP as Harvey takes us through his 1st sale and the advice his customer gave him.
- Public Speaking was tough for Harvey. It was the hardest thing he had ever done. He was self-conscious about it. LISTEN UP to hear the courses he took and where he practiced. Harvey says if you’re not nervous in front of people a group of people, you’re dead.
Life’s Lowest Point:
- During the Reagan era things were fine then the Gulf War cut Harvey’s business 50% and then the next month another 50% of prior month. This was the 1st time he experienced this type of drastic downturn. LISTEN UP to hear how Harvey went through the storm of Bankruptcy and what he learned about being a professional.
- Harvey explains when the next downturn in the economy will be. LISTEN UP and allow him to give you some tips
Advice on how to be All-In:
- Believe in yourself and that you can accomplish great things.
- Do what’s fun for you.
- Everything has to do with selling. Harvey talks about multi-level marketing. LISTEN UP to his advice about
Favorite Quote:
- “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
Define living in your Purpose:
- It’s not about the money. The money is a gage on how well you’re doing.
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Free Gift:
- Harvey will pray with you or for you.
- 7 Equities for your Life Download Here -> Seven equities of your Life