Have you ever written down your goals and passions in life? What are some goals that you’ve written down but you didn’t achieve? And also think about those goals that you have achieved.
“As a man thinketh, so is he”. In your heart, what are you thinking right now? Are you thinking about your goal? Is there a goal that you would really love to do but… No buts. What it really comes down is to this: having a clear intention. If you’ve ever had a goal and haven’t been able to achieve it. Could it be that possibly you haven’t achieved the goal because you haven’t committed to it?
If you really are passionate about sharing your story and impacting people’s lives, what is it that’s going to get you to move and take action to do that?
Do you have a vision? Most people don’t have a vision. If you have a vision you are lightyears ahead.
The HOW is not nearly as important as the WHY is very important in goal setting. recognizing that, what can you do differently TODAY? You have to take ACTION on your dreams and goal, and why not do it NOW? you don’t need to wait. you can choose to play today. go out and make it happen…
Connect with Dan for a conversation about your goals here