Amos grew up Amish, one of the most conservative communities in existence. He knew nothing but farming and hard work but, in his heart, he knew that was not the life for him. That drive for something bigger, coupled with dyslexia, a learning disability that the Amish community refused to understand or recognize, led him to make a commitment at the age of 10 to prove that he could do something greater.
By the age of 21, he was running his own sawmill business, but it was only doing ‘okay’, and he was living paycheck to paycheck. A good friend of his told him, “you can be everything you want to be and have as much as you want”. That thought was always in the back of his mind, but it wasn’t until he was 37 and facing a serious illness that he made the decision that ‘enough is enough’. At that time, he had a wife and 7 children. He realized that if he died, his family would have nothing to survive on. It was at that moment, when he made that decision, that things started to fall into place.
He took immediate action but realized that he needed to start learning. He’d always felt ‘blindfolded’ when it came to learning because of the experiences of his youth, but he didn’t let that stop him. He listened to other people who had done well, like Brian Tracy and Napoleon Hill, and knew if they could do it, he should be able to as well.
Initially, he looked for an opportunity that would provide residual income for his family in the event of his death. But, he ended up with an opportunity that did not only that but improved his health as well. Today, he is not only financially successful, but he’s here and healthy and enjoying life, and getting to spend valuable time with his family while changing and impacting millions of lives!
Most Influential Mentor:
- He’s learned so much from so many, but Jim Rohn has probably been his greatest teacher.
- Jim’s teaching and training on communication gave Amos the hope that he could step out from where he was into abundance.
Biggest Challenges and Lessons:
- Growing up with dyslexia in the Amish community meant that he was mocked daily, and many people just treated him as if he was stupid and not worth their time to deal with.
- He also grew up being taught that you cannot and should not have financial abundance.
- Looking back, it was facing these challenges that helped him develop into the person that he is today and gave him his passion for helping people change their lives.
- Coming from a place of despair and hopelessness into wealth and wellness made him realize that no matter who we are or where we come from, we can all step out and do our greatest.
- Later in life, having financial success meant stepping away from the Amish community; that was very tough because it was everything he’d grown up with and it meant a separation from both his parents and his wife’s, a very big sacrifice.
- However, he wouldn’t trade anything about who he’s become today vs. the person he used to be. He’s living in alignment with his purpose, which has far greater meaning.
Daily Routine for Success:
- Amos starts every day with a call to his team. Every single call starts with a prayer meditation and then moves into some element of personal development and communication skills before discussing specific business matters.
- Each day, he sets aside personal time for personal development and motivation. The more he learns, the more he wants to learn. It’s a wonderful never-ending quest for improvement and he has to be learning daily.
His Bigger Vision:
- Today, Amos and his team are in 12 countries. His goal is to be impacting people in 60+ countries.
- He will not settle for less and he believes he can meet this goal without a doubt.
- As a person who once felt he was a hopeless case and is now living a life of abundance, his passion is so strong that he will never give up.
Advice on Being ‘All-In’:
- Personal development and communication skills are not just for business. Learning and applying the principles will help you in every aspect of your life so that you can jump into any situation and be successful.
- Taking massive, immediate action is what separates the successful from everyone else. In every single case, taking action is the beginning of success.
- The journey from where you are to where you want to be can be a struggle. It needs to be because that develops you into who you are.
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